Sunday, June 9, 2013

Lambourne Loop: Baby, being sick and cupcakes

This week one of Danny's best friends had their baby! :) They wanted the gender to be a surprise and they ended up having a perfect little baby girl, which they named Elliot 6/7/2013  So excited for them and the beginning of the new chapter in their life! :)

On Tuesday Danny and I went on a day date to see Epic! It was a pretty cute little movie it was just nice to be together and have a little fun! :)

Mid-week treat! This week was kind of just dragging and so on my way home from teaching I went and got grandma and I dinner and cupcakes! Grandpa was at scouts and Danny was at school.  So we had a little girls night treat! 

 These are our FAVORITE cupcakes they are Salted Carmel! OH MY GOSH!! soo good!

Thursday night I started to get super sick and I've been in bed since then! It's been three days and I'm going crazy!! Luckily, I had a buddy who stays and naps with me all day long!! Teddy!!

I'm so done being sick!!! It's awful!! I don't know where I got it, no one I know is even sick. It might just be the "season changing flu" I dunno but it lame.  I don't feel so awful that I want to sleep all day, but I don't feel good enough to get up and do ANYTHING.  I'm stuck in this in between limbo. Netflix has been the only thing that has saved me!

I also started a voice journal this week.  May sound kind of strange but I figure I'm such a chatter box it might be a good way to talk my feelings out.  It's been fun, so we'll see how it goes!:)


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