It has been such a fun week! We have been gearing up for Christmas and it has been a lot of fun! I love this time of year and it's been fun to spend it with Danny and do different things together.
First this is my quiche!! Turned out pretty well! :P I was really excited it turned out so well because I've been super sick and I was chatting with friends and not putting my full attention into making it (which for me often leads to disaster!
We watched Home Alone and Home Alone 2 this week! Both were on tv and it surprised me how much I liked them and it totally brought back Christmas memories for me! Here is Dany watching the movie and a picture of one of the scenes! I have to take pictures or I just forget!
My ispy bag came this week! I love is subscription you get a bunch of beauty products for $10 a month, and they are alway really nice products that are ALWAYS worth more than $10. It's fun to try new things ad they tailor it to your style! It's like Christmas once a month. Love it it's sooo fun!
While Grandma was down in CA working grandpa had her custom cabinets started our friend Jordan is super talented at construction and building things so he's doing it! This was amidst the process!
We got quite a bit of snow this week!! Here is the back yard all covered!!
And because it's been snowing Danny has been helping out with snow removal! Here he is in grandpa's BIG boots!! hahahaha
We got the CUUUTEST card from some of my family in Arkansas! I just thought it was so adorable I had to include it. Although between dance families, our blood family, and friends we received a lot of very cute and thoughtful things this year!
Our friends Kallie and Jordan came over and we did gingerbread house. Initially we had planned to do one per couple and then quickly realized that was not going to work out!! Luckily grandma has A TON of gingerbread kits so we busted out two more and everyone made their own!! It was quite the adventure!!
Here are Kallie and Jordan hard at work! HERE is a link to their blog!
And here are the final products!!
May I just point out the lovely add on Jordan created! Apparently it's called a dormer? COOL!
That's me on the back of Danny's. I was wearing a head band and he added me to the back?

Danny making faces at Kallie!
It was super fun and we're glad they came over and did it with us!!
Annie and I went shopping this Saturday and we stopped dead in our tracks to see beautiful HUGE perfect snow flakes!! It was sooo neat! They were beautiful here was the best picture we got I just thought it was so cool!
After shopping Annie and I did a little Christmas wrapping together which was so fun!!:) Since we ALWAYS forget to take pictures together I just snapped this one of her wrapping! :)
Our other friend Maren brought over the CUUUTEST little puppy she was dog-sitting. She brought her over all snuggled up in her jackets and she was such a sweetheart. She was soo disappointed when our kitty Teddy would play with her (Teddy was scared of the little puppy that was probably 1/6 of his size, what a wuss) I didn't snap very many pictures but here are a couple of Danny playing with her you can see how small she is!! I'm so glad Maren brought her over to play!
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