Thanksgiving was this week and it was amazing! Normal Sunday dinner folks were there as well and my sister Allora and her friend Isaiah who were back from college! The food was AMAZING! And we all went around and said something we were thankful for. I chose The Savior and his infinite love. Without Christ to help comfort me, guide me, and teach me I don't know where I'd be. And Danny said he was thankful for "the family and his little wife" :) That made my day!
Danny also got to go golfing with his brothers this week! HOW FUN! He even hit a car off the course! He also went to the Jazz game with grandpa on Friday.
I started listening to Christmas music! This was one of the CD's we played all the time when I was a kid totally got me in the Christmas spirit!
Here's a picture of our fire place decorations for Christmas. Still haven't finished decorating but I have started!
We also had the amazing privilege to go the Cook's Sealing this weekend! It was amazing so glad we got to attend! And Riot sure knew his name when the sealer said it! ;)
Riot ended up coming over to play with us for a bit after the sealing while Mom and Dad went to dinner with family. I had attempted to calm him down telling him he could come to my house after, thinking he would forget by the time everything was said and done... but man he sure didn't. But it was super fun to have the little guy over!
Rearranging decorations! :)
Grandma giving Riot some M&M's as a treat for being so good!

He's got his bag and is all ready to go home! Though he wasn't all the excited about leaving!
Definitely a fun week! I'm so excited for this time of year! :D And I can't wait to see some of my girls this week!!!
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