What a fun week it has been! :) so many fun things going on and lots and family and friends to spend time with! This week was way fun!
To kick everything off we had the Lambourne family Christmas party. Because the family has gotten so big we had our gathering a Brick Oven. It was a nice area where all the family could relax and enjoy dinner and each other. For the white elephant gift we had two big dice and you had to try and roll doubles when you got it you stuck your balloon inside the panty hoes on grandpa head... Why you ask? I am not really sure that anyone knew... but it turned out the be pretty entertaining.
Here is Danny putting his balloon in to get his gift!
We ended up getting a toilet brush cleaner and some HANGERS!! Danny was pretty excited about the hangers! This was a picture of the first balloon going in.
Then we had Christmas Eve...
My sisters and I filmed a video for my beauty channel! It was so fun to spend time with them and do this fun project. This is a snapshot from the video I was talking and the other two smirking... common place.. :P
Then we had a Christmas Eve gathering at my Aunts house... I didn't get any pictures but it was super fun! I got to chat with one of my favorite cousins (Cassie) and play with her adorable little boy Jason!! :) We also sung Christmas carols and did a gift exchange after dinner! :)
As is cusotmary after dinner and the rest of the families went home we went to my other aunts house to open our PJ's and do our "Throw the Orange Game" Danny started last year. The whole family played (even grandma and grandpa) and it gets a little crazy but after a while the orange starts to break open and it smells amazing... and we have to switch oranges or mini oranges in this case. Pretty sure we went though about 8 of them!
Our orange in action!

Then we have CHRISTMAS MORNING!! I wish I had gotten pictures of us all sitting around opening presents but I don't! But here is the Christmas tree :)
Here is Danny opening one of his favorite gifts later that afternoon from Grandma!! His beloved shoes!! He was pretty excited!! :D
Ash and Me!
My Aunt sitting on Logan!! :P
Danny's potato volcano at Christmas dinner!! :P
Here was a look down the one half of the table! So many AMAZING people!! LOVE them all!!
After Christmas dinner we did our present exchange and played with some things! Then it took us around 2-3 days to recover from all the excitement and chaos!
Last night we went over to Kallie and Jordan's to FINALLY give them their Christmas gift and we ended up eating dinner and watching Despicable Me 2 since Danny had never seen it! :P Fun times we just love them!
So that was most of our festivities for the week! If I can find other pictures of Pj's and such I will insert them as I find them! We hope everyone had a safe and warm holiday!
The Lambournes