Sunday, May 19, 2013

Lambourne Loop: Feis & Friends!

SO!  I have been putting off blogging for so long because I can't seem to find the time to sit down and blog all about our trip to Germany.... There are SOOOOOOO many pictures and stories it's very overwhelming.

While I'm working on that I just wanted to put up a post about things that are happening now!! :)

SO yesterday was our first time running our very first Irish Dance Competition (Feis, pronouced fesh) Utah Legacy Open Feis, was the first WIDA feis in the USA.  It was truly historic and was a pioneering event in our organization!  It was truly amazing!!! :D We had so much fun with our sister school in the USA came and participated and all of the kids had such a good time!  A good friend and former dancer judged the feis for us and it was soooo great to see her after so long! We were really close when I was younger and it was so nice to finally be reunited and have such an amazing time! Marion if you're reading this I LOVE YOU!!!:)

The event was truly amazing and had such a positive, calm and encouraging atmosphere that in my opinion was lacking in the previous organization I used to be a part of.  It was amazing to see the joy in the kids and to see them grow like I did this weekend it was awesome! :)

 Here is on of the little ones showing off her ribbon!! :)

 1st and 2nd place in the Intermediate premiership!

 My little ones again in 1st and 2nd! With a bunch of other medals around their necks! :)
Family of dancers! Big sister was extra happy winning her championship!!
 These girls have been dancing with me for a long time!! :) They are seriously amazing girls! It makes me tear up seeing how big they've gotten!
 Two more of our intermediate dancers :) in the under 25 and over 30 age groups!
Another one of my girls in 3rd Place! Everyone who came to compete were so amazing! They were beautiful, talented, sweet and very positive!

 Here is one of my girls winning 1st in her championship! She has been working so hard it was really exciting to see her win!

Here are some of us after the feis!! :)

Such a great weekend!

In other news, Danny is still taking classes over the summer but he's taking less credits and it seems much more manageable this semester than previous ones.  But have no fear she's taking triple the credits next semester so things will be back to crazy.  He's trying to finish his 4 year Masters Degree in a year and a half, so he's on track to graduate in December.

Also, one of my best friends Lisa is moving to Oklahoma!!! :( Her husband got accepted to vet school there and they are moving in July.  I'm really sad to see her leave, but I'm really excited for them and their new adventure...but I sure am going to miss them when they are gone so we're trying to get in as much time as we can before they leave!!!

Well, that's the update for this week!

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