Holy Hannah! It's been so crazy with the weather! We had freezing rain this week. I had to cancel dance because there was so much ice it was INSANE! There were huge salt trucks sliding down the road sideways! Danny didn't go into work on Thursday because it was so bad, he helped two ladies get their cars back on the road just outside our neighborhood. It was crazy the drive ways just looked a little wet but when you stepped on them they were just pure ICE. Because of all the freezing rain it froze all the snow so there is like a coating of ice over the snow and it looks super shiny!
Here is a dark picture but you can see how shiny the snow is!
It's also been really foggy, here are a couple of pictures right before all the snow rolled in it was very foggy and dark, now it's just been snowing all day long while we were at church!

On Saturday I went to the church to watch Danny play basketball. Saturday mornings are when he plays and I think it's really fun to watch him play with everyone! He smiles a lot and I can tell he really likes to play! Then Danny did some homework and a few other things while my friend Annie and I went and got pedicures and got to catch up! It had been such a long time since we saw each other and it was so nice to have a chance to chat and catch up!:)
We really didn't want to stay out very late because of all the fog on Saturday night and Grandpa was at the Jazz game with a friend so Danny and I ran and got Sushi for me and grandma, and Red Robin for Danny. We ate at home and then watched the Jazz game on TV and played Upwords together :)
Here's Danny watching the game while posing for the picture!! It was way fun to play together although we didn't get through all the tiles before we both got bored and didn't want to play anymore! :P
Here was our final board of words! It was a super fun date and we got to stay home where it was warm and relax! (and I won by 40 points) :)
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