Fourth of July was so fun this year! Here are my festive nails I rocked for the holiday!
Every year my dance company performs in our city parade! Danny did all the technical work with the speakers ect, and was the driver of the lovely truck, we couldn't have done the parade without him! The little ones rode in the truck and got to wave and wear cute festive clothes and all the older dancers got to dance! The dancers love doing it every year!
The Fourth of July ended up being a pretty strenuous day. So the next day my best friend brought all sorts of goodies... and we pretty much pigged out all day long! :) (We took out the M&M's from the picture... we didn't want people to judge!) :)
July is also my Dad's Birthday! :) So we went to Ruth Chris'. Its sooooooo good! Here he is with his dessert!! YUM!!!
This week Danny got his new workout system!!! :) It's called The Rack! You can do all sorts of different dips and and push-ups and stuff on it! When it's put together it looks like a little old persons walker :P but it's a pretty cool little work station!
Danny also sold his old golf clubs for a new set! :) He sold his old set for more than his new set so he made a little bit off the deal!!!
There has been a lot of fun outings this summer that have been really fun!
Here are some pictures with one of my dancers!! Her older sister (also a dancer of mine) was in a city talent show and invited me to come! She got 3rd!!! :) We snapped a few shots while we were waiting for her sister to dance!
My dancers also did an outdoor "late night" They hung a HUGE screen on the side of the house and we all watched The Avengers! We roasted marshmallows, and chatted and it was a way fun night for all the dancers and parents to hang out and enjoy the summer night together!
I have gotten to hang out with my best friend and her family A LOT lately! :) it has been so much fun! We've been at the pool swimming, making "Christ Krispy Treats" for my class, and last night it was GAME NIGHT!! We played Disney games, the boy did surprisingly well, but the girls dominated BOTH games!! :D
I also started another Blog with my friend Annie!! Check it out when you get a chance we have had so much fun getting it started! :)
Other than that... my baby brother is leaving boot camp tomorrow, then to Pararescue school! We all are pretty shocked that he got called so soon, because he wasn't supposed to start till October! But I'm really excited for him to start this new adventure! I'm going to miss him.... more than he knows! I love him so much. He is seriously the best little brother anyone could ever ask for... and he's going to do great things. I'm really struggling seeing him go, but I know I'll see him soon and he's doing a great service and I couldn't be more proud! :)