Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Day 2012

Christmas was sooo much fun! With everyone in the house we all woke up and all ate pancakes and waffles before opening presents... which I'm pretty sure is a first in my families history because we always have opened presents before breakfast! :P

Our tree Christmas morning :)

My family  <3

I love Danny's cheesy smile! :P

Our excited Christmas faces!

My parents got a house AND a jag from their employee in CA! :p
This was the funniest gift I got!  Danny though they were super cute! :P  No we are not pregnant! 
Danny asked my parents for bedding that was on sale and I LOVE it! :) Such a smart man my husband and he's got good taste too! :)
After gifts were all put away the girls watched Cinderella with Brandy because Kenzie (my sister) got it for Christmas! :)

We all got ready for dinner and our family gift exchange!  Dinner was amazing and we facetimed my Uncle Jonny and Uncle Mark to say Merry Christmas!  Danny got 2 huge boxes of protein bars at the exchange and I got a very very cute pink Brighton pen from my aunt! :)

It was such a fun Christmas this year the best I can remember in a long time!  It was just happy and peaceful and we had snow and it was just so awesome!  I'm so grateful to have a wonderful family, and amazing husband and a wonderful Brother who was born in a manager so long ago, and who died for all of us that we might live, learn, and return to our Father in Heaven.  Merry Christmas!!


Christmas Eve 2012

This was probably the Best Christmas in a loong time! :) It was so much fun!! :) On Christmas Eve we had dinner and a program at my aunts house! We had all different sorts of soups and I loooooved the Lobster Bisque! :) yummmmmy! :)  Here is my favorite picture of me and my sisters!

Then we read through the Book of Mormon Christmas story, essentially the birth of Christ through the perspective of the people in the Americas! It was so great!! We sang all the Christmas songs that were in the book while Aunt Tammie played the piano it was so beautiful! :) Danny was the narrator for the story too which was really cool! :)

Then we all got our traditional Christmas Eve PJs and took lots of pictures!!!!

All the girls

All the  "kids"
Silly picture!

My grandparents and Danny and me! :)
So after our official Jammie opening, we ended up sitting in a circle tossing cuties at each other! I think Danny and Elle (my little cousin) were just passing it back and forth and some how it ended up being an entire family affair!  Even grandma and grandpa joined in! It was really fun and the whole room ended up smelling like oranges it was sooo cool! We were throwing fast and man was it fun!! I think we crushed four Cuties before we finally went and got a soft red ball and were tossing that.  We finally got to the point where we were trying to see how many tosses we could get in without it hitting the ground!  Our goal was 50! We hit that and then my Uncle threw the ball and lost it on the very next one! :)

When we all got tuckered out it was time to head home and get to bed we ended up coming all the way home and then driving back down to my little cousins' house to shake the santa bells next to their windows like we do every year!

Then we all got home... (my parents and siblings all stayed with us at my grandparents house) the kids tried to stay up and watch "A Christmas Carol"  the one with Jim Carrey as Scrooge.  We got about half way and I was really falling asleep so we turned it off and went to bed!


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Family Cookie Exchange

So this year my Uncle decided that the Sunday before Christmas we would draw names and whoever we drew we would decorate a cookie for that person!! :) It turned out to be so cute!! :)

Danny drew grandpa's name so he decided to make a cookie that looked like him!! :) Cute huh?

Hudson made a carrot "cookie" for Danny because he figured that he would like that the best :P

The whole gang!

Everyone made really really cute cookies and had a great time decorating other peoples' dessert!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Another Basketball Game

We just like going to basketball games... :P Second weekend in a row we went to a game! Which means I get to learn more and more, and actually understand what's going on when people get mad!  Here are just some fun pictures we took while in our seats!

Also, just as a small note this was the first time I've been out of the house without foundation on since I was probably 14! I'm so happy with my skin! It's all that healthy vegan food!! :P


Kenzie's Rectial

My sister Mckenzie is a dynamite singer!! She had a winter recital and everyone jumped at the chance to go and watch/ hear her sing!! :)  Here are the pictures!

This is my sister and her coach!

Yep the first three rows are all us! :)

Mom, Mckenzie and Dad in front of the tree!

All the girls!

The whole gang minus grandma and grandpa Beeman who didn't know we were taking pictures!
ps: Danny is ridiculous.

Kenzie did amazing and it was so awesome to get to watch her in action!!


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Date Night: Jazz Game

My grandpa has season tickets to the Jazz Game. He was out of town this Friday so we went to the game for him! :) We drove down to Energy Solutions had a little dinner, Danny saw a friend from his old ward in Orem and we got to watch the game together! :)

I don't think I've ever seen a game with than many points at the end after we broke 100 points I kept saying we were going to hit over 130 and we DID!! :P It was so fun to keep cheering every time they got closer to my 130 estimate together.  I couldn't believe the scored that many points! :) So crazy I thought I would post some pictures of the event!! :)

... and here was the final score! :)